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Saturday 27th July
The Baltic Gateway - Latvia
Baltic Gateway Menu

The Baltic Sea is located in Northern Europe. Countries in the Baltic Sea Region are Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Sweden.

Norway is a neighbouring country (next to Sweden) and Belarus and Ukraine have historical ties with the Region.

What do you know about Latvia?

The Historic Centre of Riga, a centre of the mercantile Hanseatic League, is a World Heritage site.

Riga is famous for its Art Nouveau architecture.

The Freedom Monument was erected in Riga during a period of Latvia's independence between the Wars.

At the beginning of the Second World War (1939-45) the Soviet Union annexed Latvia to the USSR.

In 2004 Latvia became a member of the European Union.

The Basilica of Our Lady of Aglona is the most well known place of pilgrimage in Latvia. The Basilica houses the icon of Our Lady of Aglona, said to be responsible for miracles.

Find out more about Latvia from the WIZ Linking the World project. News from LATVIA can be found on World InfoZone's Newslink

We would like to thank Solvita Zarina of Latnet Art Gallery for the photographs

WIZ Feature: Sveiki from Latvia



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