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Monday 21st October
Burundi Information - Page 2
The Twa (a Pygmy people) are the earliest known inhabitants of Burundi.

Hutu people settled in Burundi around the eleventh century and the Tutsu people arrived some time in the fifteenth century.

In 1890 Burundi and Rwanda became part of German East Africa.

After the First World War, Ruanda-Urundi (Rwanda and Burundi), was administered by Belgium as a League of Nations Trust Territory.

Ruanda-Urundi separated in 1962 and Urundi became the Kingdom of Burundi.

Civil war, lasting over ten years, began in 1993. An agreement to end the civil war was signed in 2003.

Subsistence agriculture provides a livelihood for the majority of the working population.

Coffee and tea exports account for a large percentage of the country's foreign exchange earnings. Other agricultural products include maize, sorghum, manioc, sweet potatoes, bananas and cotton. Cattle, sheep and goats provide meat, milk, and hides.

Industries are mining, hydropower, construction, assembly of imported components, soap, shoes, blankets, food processing and beverages.

History and culture are passed on through the tradition of storytelling, poetry, and song. Dancing and drumming are performed during ceremonies and at official events.

Crafts include pottery and basketwork. A traditional Burundian village displaying local crafts can be seen at the Musee Vivant in the capital.

Soccer is the national sport in Burundi; the national team has participated in the African Nations Cup. Basketball and volleyball are also played.

The first Olympic medal won by Burundi was Gold in the 1996 Games for the five thousand metre race.

All religious holidays are celebrated. Independence Day is on 1 July (1962 from UN trusteeship under Belgian administration). The assassinations of Prince Rwagasore (13 October 1961) and President Ndadaye (21 October 1993) are also remembered.

News from Burundi is available in Newslink.

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