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Monday 21st October
Burundi Information - Page 1
The Republic of Burundi is a landlocked country in Central Africa. It is bordered by Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Tanzania.

Bujumbura was the capital but in 2019 the capital moved to Gitega although Bujumbura remains the commercial capital. Other urban areas are Cibitoke, Muyinga, Ngozi, Bubanza, Gitega and Bururi.

The terrain is hilly and mountainous, with plateau in the east, and some plains. Rivers include the Kagera, Malagarasi, Rurubu and Ruzizi.

The climate of Burundi is equatorial. The temperature varies with altitude: generally warm in Bujumbura and cooler in the higher regions.

The area consisting of the Ruzizi Delta and northern shore of Lake Tanganyika is listed by Ramsar as a Wetland of International Importance. It is a major stopover for migratory waterbirds. Animals found in the region are crocodiles, hippopotamuses and tortoises. Fish include a variety of cichlids.

Kibira National Park, in the northwest, is also an important birding area. Rurubu National Park is in the northeast of the country.

Wood and charcoal are important for cooking and heating; trees are cut down, even in protected areas such as the Kibira National Park. A national reforestation initiative was established in Burundi 2018 to run until 2025 to replace the country's forest cover.

Bujumbura, Burundi's largest city and a port on the north shore of Lake Tanganyika, was colonized by Germany at the end of the nineteenth century. Today, examples of German Colonial architecture can still be found in the former colonial capital.

The population of Burundi was estimated at 12.55 million in 2021.

French and Kirundi are both official languages. Swahili is spoken along Lake Tanganyika and in the Bujumbura area.

A large number of Burundians are Christians, some are Muslims and others have indigenous beliefs.

Beans, rice, maize and cassava are staple foods in Burundi. Porridge and pancakes are made from cassava and sorghum flour. The diet is supplemented by fish from Lake Tanganyika.

Fruits sold are bananas, citrus fruits, mangoes, papayas and pineapples.

Vegetables include cabbages, cauliflowers, carrots, lentils, onions, peas, peppers, plantains and sweet potatoes. Groundnuts (peanuts) are also eaten.

Tea and coffee are grown in Burundi. Beer made from bananas or sorghum is brewed locally. Beer and soft drinks are produced commercially.

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