Wiz Quiz - Spain

Spain Quiz

1) What is the capital city of Spain? Toledo, Madrid, Cadiz.

2) Which people in Spain speak Euskara? the Basques, the Catalans, the Castilians.

3) Name the city that was particularly famous for learning in Islamic Spain. Cordoba, Madrid, Barcelona.

4) What is the earliest work of Spanish literature? El Cid, Carmen, Don Quixote.

5) Who conquered Mexico? Hernan Cortes, Pedro de Mendoza, Rodrigo Diaz.

6) Which Spanish explorer defeated the Incas? Francisco Pizarro, General Franco, Don Quixote.

7) This Spanish princess married Henry VIII, the English king. Katherine Howard, Catherine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn.

8) Which Spanish king sent an Armada to invade England? Juan Carlos, Felipe II, Alfonso VIII.

9) This territory was ceded to Britain in 1713. Gibraltar, The Canary Islands, The Balearic Islands.

10) Spain sold this territory to the United States and in 1845 it became the twenty-seventh State of the USA. Florida, Bermuda, Puerto Rico.

11) During the Napoleonic era which member of the Bonaparte family ruled Spain? Napoleon's uncle, Napoleon's brother, Napoleon's nephew.

12) Where is Antonio Gaudi's Temple de la Segrada Familia? Cordoba, Toledo, Barcelona.

13) Who wrote For Whom the Bell Tolls, set in the Spanish Civil War? Laurie Lee, Ernest Hemingway, Miguel de Cervantes.

14) Spain has produced a number of famous artists: El Greco, Velazquez and Picasso. Which of these artists was not born in Spain?

15) The Spanish introduced this Mexican drink to Europe. chocolate, sangria, coffee.

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WIZ Quiz content from World InfoZone educational website.

We would like to thank the following for the use of the photographs: Mark McLeod, University of Delaware; the Canadian Tourism Commission (Tourism New Brunswick); the South African Tourism Promotion Agency; the Finnish Tourist Board and the Saudi Arabian Embassy (London).