Wiz Quiz - Food

Food Quiz

1) Houmous is eaten in many countries: Egypt, Morocco, the United Arab Emirates and more recently in the UK. What is used to make houmous? tofu, chick peas, rice.

2) In Ghana crushed cassava is a popular dish. The word for this food sounds like a person's name. Which of the following is crushed cassava? loui (Louis), ragi (Ragi), gari (Gary).

3) Ugali is eaten in Kenya. What is ugali? a fruit which is a cross between an orange and a grapefruit, porridge made from cornmeal or millet flour, a steamed vegetable.

4) Where is Tajine the national dish? Tajikistan, Taiwan, Morocco.

5) Which people ate boerewors, biltong and droewors on long journeys? the Berbers, the Tuaregs, the Boers.

6) Where would you find sukiyaki and bento? Brazil, Japan, the Seychelles.

7) A species of this creature, found only in Dominica and Montserrat, is used in a traditional dish in both countries. frog, goat, chicken.

8) Where is ackee and salt fish popular? Jamaica, Portugal, Sicily.

9) You would find palacinke on a menu in Croatia. What is palacinke? a dessert made with meringues, pancake, a type of cheese.

10) Where might you eat stew for breakfast? England, The Bahamas, Italy.

11) What is meze? a number of small dishes of food, a meat and vegetable stew, a flavour of ice-cream.

12) This statement is NOT true about pasta. The name "macaroni" was used by Italians to describe all types of pasta. The recipe for pasta originated in the US. It is thought that Marco Polo brought back the recipe for pasta from China.

13) Where would you find a smorgasbord? Oman, Sweden, Slovenia.

14) These people were the first known to drink chocolate. the Aztecs, the Franks, the Karen.

15) Which country does not produce a drink made from cactus? Scotland, Mexico, Sicily.

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WIZ Quiz content from World InfoZone educational website.

We would like to thank the following for the use of the photographs: Mark McLeod, University of Delaware; the Canadian Tourism Commission (Tourism New Brunswick); the South African Tourism Promotion Agency; the Finnish Tourist Board and the Saudi Arabian Embassy (London).